Your voice shows WHO you are - and HOW you are. But nerves, lack of confidence, or physical tensions can distort the image.
Personalised voice and performance coaching will help you find your true voice so you stay on message every time, and can enjoy speaking or performing with confidence.
About me
Both in individual coaching and in group workshops I work fast because the coaching is tailored closely to individual need. The sessions are highly interactive and practical, working via the key skills of Voice and Body Language, through posture, breath use, and diction. My clients are occupational voice users eg actors, lawyers, teachers, University lecturers, business speakers.
My MBE was awarded in 2008 for work to upskill community groups in confidence and spoken delivery for public performance. I have worked for over 20 years with Broadcast Journalists at Trinity University; I am a member of the Executive Council of the British Voice Association, elected as President from September 2024.
What to expect
A variety of personalised coaching sessions designed to improve your voice, public speaking, and performance skills. Whether you need help with presentations, interviews, or overall communication, these services are tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.